Ervin Beck’s Article on David Waltner-Toews’s Fear of Landing and Lois Braun’s Peculiar Lessons Added

Beck, Ervin. “Postcolonial Literary Detection in Fear of Landing.” JMS 39 (2021): 193-207. Braun, Lois. Peculiar Lessons: How Nature and the Material World Shaped a Prairie Childhood. Winnipeg: Great Plains Publications, 2020. Waltner-Toews, David. “Letters from Indonesia.” CGR 15.1/2 (1997): 153-61. I received the 2021 issue of the Journal of Mennonite Studies yesterday. It includesContinue reading “Ervin Beck’s Article on David Waltner-Toews’s Fear of Landing and Lois Braun’s Peculiar Lessons Added”

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